Painless DIODE LASER Hair Removal at Skin Station : 2nd session
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On my last post, I had my first service and it was a great experience. After the session (6 weeks), the hair grew but it's thinner than I expected. I was amazed that the hair was falling off (same as others). I didn't pluck it and just let it be.
Today, November 7, 2017, I continued the Diode Laser Hair Removal service. Same as my first session, it's really painless (on my personal opinion). Seriously, I was expecting that it will be painful but it wasn't. Maybe because I was accustomed of the pain that I encountered from monthly waxing.
For the first time, I will share to you the photo of the procedure. 😉

The procedure took about 30 minutes. It's really relaxing and I was happy that I'm now hair-free.
P.S. Although I have completed the Buy 1 Take 1 sessions, I will still continue the procedure until I reached my 8th session. I will coming back on December.
How about you? Have you tried this service? Share your experience.